How to Make Dark Circle Oil

What are dark circles?

According to Mayo Clinic Staff. Dark circles happen when the skin beneath both eyes appears darkened. It’s different from bruising around one eye from an injury or redness and swelling in one eye caused by an infection. Dark circles under your eyes usually are not a sign of a medical problem.

What causes dark circles?

There are some contributing factors to dark circles. Some common causes include:


Oversleeping, extreme fatigue, or just staying up a few hours past your normal bedtime can cause dark circles to form under your eyes. Sleep deprivation can cause your skin to become dull and pale, allowing for dark tissues and blood vessels beneath your skin to show.

Lack of sleep can also cause fluid to build underneath your eyes, causing them to appear puffy. As a result, the dark circles you see may be shadows cast by your puffy eyelids.


Natural ageing is another common cause of those dark circles beneath your eyes. As you get older, your skin becomes thinner. You also lose the fat and collagen needed to maintain your skin’s elasticity. As this occurs, the dark blood vessels beneath your skin become more visible causing the area below your eyes to darken.


Staring at your television or computer screen can cause significant strain on your eyes. This strain can cause blood vessels around your eyes to enlarge. As a result, the skin surrounding your eyes can darken.


Allergic reactions and eye dryness can trigger dark circles. When you have an allergic reaction, your body releases histamines as a response to harmful bacteria. Other than causing uncomfortable symptoms — including itchiness, redness, and puffy eyes — histamines also cause your blood vessels to dilate and become more visible beneath your skin.

Allergies can also increase your urge to rub and scratch the itchy skin around your eyes. These actions can worsen your symptoms, causing inflammation, swelling, and broken blood vessels. This can result in dark shadows beneath your eyes.


Dehydration is a common cause of dark circles under your eyes. When your body is not receiving the proper amount of water, the skin beneath your eyes begins to look dull and your eyes look sunken. This is due to their proximity to the underlying bone.

Sun overexposure

Overexposure to the sun can cause your body to produce an excess of melanin, the pigment that provides your skin with colour. Too much sun — particularly for your eyes — can cause pigmentation in the surrounding skin to darken.

Also Read: How to Make a Face Cleanser (Chocolate/Dark Skin)


Family history also plays a part in developing dark circles under your eyes. It can be an inherited trait seen early in childhood and may worsen as you age or slowly disappear. Predispositions to other medical conditions — such as thyroid disease — can also result in dark circles beneath your eyes.

How to Make Dark Circle Oil
How to Make Dark Circle Oil

Below are Ingredient which you can use to get rid of dark circles permanently from your face


  • 3tablespoon coconut oil
  • 2tablespoon almond oil
  • 2tblespoon vitamin e
  • 1tbspoon chamomile oil


Mix all the oils and transfer them to a small fancy oil bottle.

Rub the mixture around the dark area twice daily, especially before going to bed.


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