Home Made Love Making Sweetener Powder

Love Making Sweetener Powder

There are various natural and artificial sweeteners that people may use to enhance the taste of their bodily fluids during sexual activity, such as oral sex. Examples of natural sweeteners that may be used include fruits like strawberries or pineapple, while artificial sweeteners may include products like flavoured lubricants or edible powders.

Home-Made Lovemaking Sweetener Water (Kayan Mata)
Home Made Love Making Sweetener Powder


  • Dates
  • Sugar


Dry and remove dates seed, mix dates with sugar and grind it to powder form.

Take 2tbspn with tea 3 times a week

Also Read: How to Make Female Genital Lubricant

It is important to note that while adding sweeteners to bodily fluids can enhance taste and make sexual activity more pleasurable for some people, it is not necessary for everyone and may not be appropriate or safe for everyone. Additionally, it is important to ensure that any products used are safe for internal use and do not contain harmful or irritating ingredients. If you have concerns or questions about using sweeteners during sexual activity, it is recommended that you speak with a healthcare provider.


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