How to make a Whitening Face Cleanser (fair skin)

Whitening Face Cleanser (fair skin)

Whitening face cleanser (for fair skin) is a type of facial cleanser that is formulated to brighten and lighten the complexion of the face. It is designed to remove dirt, impurities, and excess oil from the skin, while also reducing the appearance of dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and other skin discolourations.

Also Read: How to Make Sunburn Cleanser

The ingredients in the cleanser may include skin-lightening agents as well as moisturizing and nourishing agents like hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, and shea butter. The ultimate goal of this product is to give the face a brighter, more even-toned appearance.

How to make a Whitening Face Cleanser (fair skin)
How to make a Whitening Face Cleanser (fair skin)

In this, we will be discussing how to make a whitening face cleanser for fair skin colour


The following are the ingredients for whitening face cleanser

  • Glycolic 2 tbsp
  • Kojic acid powder 2 tbsp
  • Aha 1 tsp
  • Arbutin 2 tbsp
  • Tretinoin 2 drops
  • Stearic acid 1 tbsp
  • Vinegar 2 tbsp
  • Preservative


Combine all together mix very well and use.

The stearic acid first dissolved using the double boiler before adding it into the cleanser


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